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information terms
Abonnement Atlas Pro IPTV - 21 Euro /12mois
Abonnement 12 mois Atlas Pro IPTV prés de 5000 Chaines mondiale FRANCE – BELGIQUE – ITALIE – CANADA – USA – TURQUIE – INDE – PORTUGAL – ESPAGNE – UK – ARABES – RUSSIE… en qualités HD, FULL HD ET SD. Des centaines de films et séries incluant les dernières réalisations et box office. Compatible avec
Etat: Neuf / sous emballage,
تركيب شبكات الإعلام الآلي، تركيب كاميرات المراقبة، برمجة وتثبيت برامج المؤسسات والمحلات التجارية
Etat: Neuf / sous emballage, Région: BOUIRA,
Prix : 5 000 DA
Senior Accountant
Job PostingJotun’s story in the MEIA region (Middle East, India and Africa) began in 1962, and has grown to include 18 legal entities committed to achieving success and growth of the Jotun Group. Throughout our history, we have focused on providing our employees with meaningful and challenging work,
Région: ALGER,
Senior Accountant
Jotun’s story in the MEIA region (Middle East, India and Africa) began in 1962, and has grown to include 18 legal entities committed to achieving success and growth of the Jotun Group. Throughout our history, we have focused on providing our employees with meaningful and challenging work, rewarding
Secteur d'activité: Alger, Algérie, Niveau d'études: 20 octobre, Années d'experience: Distribution, Commerce, Région: ALGER,
Project control associate
The Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR in Algeria was accredited on 27 September 1984 under the Accord de Siege concluded between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria desiring to continu
Secteur d'activité: Alger, Algérie, Niveau d'études: 12 octobre, Années d'experience: Fonction Publique, Administration, Région: ALGER,
Programme Associate
The Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR in Algeria was accredited on 27 September 1984 under the Accord de Siege concluded between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria desiring to continu
Secteur d'activité: Alger, Algérie, Niveau d'études: 12 octobre, Années d'experience: Fonction Publique, Administration, Région: ALGER,
Projects & Tender Sourcing Specialist
Job Description Summary Projects & Tender Sourcing Specialist is responsible for Deliver competitive advantages and drive cost out initiatives to enable profitable growth. Connect sourcing imperatives with the product lines strategies and to aim at creating One team by increasing collaboration and s
Secteur d'activité: Services, Niveau d'études: Master 2, Ingéniorat, Bac + 5, Années d'experience: Confirmé / Expérimenté, Région: ALGER,
Publisher Dictionary Of Documents, Archives And Information Terms (english - French - Arabic) A2
قاموس مصطلحات الوثائق والأرشيف والمعلومات (إنجليزي ــ فرنسي ــ عربي) = Dictionary of Documental, Archival and Information Terms (English - French - Arabic) قاموس مصطلحات الوثائق والأرشيف والمعلومات (إنجليزي ــ فرنسي ــ عربي) = Dictionary of Documental, Archival and Information Terms (English - Fren
Etat: Neuf,
Prix : 700 DA
👉ARMOIRE DE BRASSAGE 19" 21U 600*600MM LANDE LN-PRB-21U6 /REF:5957 PROLINEB SERIES 600 * 600 - 21U - RAL 7035 LIGHT GREY LN-PRB-21U6060-CC-A/F-FD PROlineB Series Networking Enclosures /Cabinets, designed for customer friendly product assembly and superior logistics advantages in terms of shipping
Etat: Neuf jamais utilisé, Région: MOSTAGANEM,
Prix : 36 500 DA
Operations Lead (West Africa)
<ul><li>The Operations Lead will play a key customer facing role in fulfilling the customer order. </li><li>The Operations Lead is the primary point of contact for the customer when planning and implementing solutions. </li><li>They will be planning, managing, coo
Région: ALGER,
Intern - Project Support (Strategic Development & Management)
Details: The internship is directly related to Head of Programmes, and thereby supporting the Strategic Development and Management unit of the Morocco mission. The IOM Morocco mission currently implements projects in a wide variety of thematic areas through three distinct pill
Région: ALGER,
Customer Engagement Specialist
Interacts as single point of contact with assigned Priority Customers concerning the O2C process. Responsible for the overall effectiveness of the Customer Fulfilment process. Proactively engages assigned customers to deliver effective communication &amp; continuous improvements. Liaises with Tr
Région: ALGER,
Abonnement VolkaX IPTV 21€ / 12Mois (1700 Chs lives + 3000 VOD)
Abonnement au service VolkaX IPTV , 2 en 1 : [IPTV+VOD] , le meilleur service IPTV dans le monde entier plus de 1700 chaines lives et plus de 3000 filmes et séries en VOD avec une très bonne qualité d'image. l'abonnement Volka X Compatible avec : Android box , Smart TV et Mag......ect. ============
Etat: Neuf / sous emballage,
Tous les information du produits sont disponible dans notre site : https://www.vmhdz.com/products/collerette-bout-a-bout-dn-40---630